Posted Date: 02/03/2025
Dear Families,
February is an exciting month at Hurlbutt. This Tuesday, we celebrate 100 days of learning together! We are so proud of all of the progress our students are making socially, emotionally and academically. This milestone in our calendar marks the number of days we have been in school. It also brings to life math concepts and skills. As a community, we will reflect on all we have accomplished together. We invite you to celebrate at home by asking your child what they have learned so far in school. Encourage them to reflect on the friendships and social skills as well as their academic growth.
Early Dismissal Tomorrow: February 3
Tomorrow, Monday, February 3 is an early dismissal day for staff professional learning. All grades dismiss at 12:35 p.m. Car riders will be dismissed out of the main entrance circle. Walkers on early dismissal days are dismissed out of the library doors. Please remember that walkers as a dismissal option is for families who live within walking distance of school. Driving to school and parking to pick up students as walkers causes parking challenges for our town residents trying to access the library, senior center and town hall. Please remember to update the School Dismissal Manager on Monday by 10:00 a.m.
News from Our Makespace
Students learned about computer coding using the curriculum with Mrs. Rodko, our library media specialist. Students have school accounts that are used to log into our lessons. If you are interested in providing another opportunity at home for your students, here is the link for parents to set up Home Accounts Please do not link to the school account. Click here for a page of activities and lessons. Activities We work on Pre-Reader Express in school.
Laura Kaddis
Important Dates:
February 3: 12:35 p.m. Early dismissal day for Professional Development
February 17 - 21: Winter Break
February 24: Professional Development - school closed
February 26: HES/WIS General PTO Meeting 9 - 10:30 a.m.